
+41 22 870 94 94

Our schedules

Mon.-Thu. 8am-7pm, Fri. 8am-6pm, Sat. 8.30am-1pm


Our general dentistry for children

Dental care for children

Good oral health is essential for children. It is easier for them to chew all the foods they need to grow. With good teeth and healthy teeth, children are also less likely to have pronunciation difficulties later on. The Centre Dentaire Chêne-Bourg offers specialised, gentle and sensitive dentists who can provide dental care for children.

They will give you advice on how to care for your child's teeth. They will also give you various suggestions on how to remedy any problems that may arise at an early stage.

The first visit to the dentist

At the Centre Dentaire Chêne-Bourg, the first visit to the dentist is recommended before the age of 2, to give advice onoral hygiene and diet specific to each child. It also serves to familiarize the child with the environment of the dental center, enabling future treatments to proceed smoothly.

The aim of the first visit is to build a bridge of trust with the dentists. To expose children to dental instruments from an early age. To make these visits a positive and pleasant memory for the child, to get to know the health care team: the dentist, the dental hygienist and the dental assistants.

Caries prevention

Tooth decay is caused by bacteria present in dental plaque, which use the sugar contained in food. To limit their growth, it's important to limit the frequency of sugary intakes throughout the day, and to brush them out twice a day. It is very important to consult a specialist dentist before you notice any cavities.

Dental care for children

Children are seen at the Centre Dentaire Chêne-Bourg for all general dental care as well as for complete dental check-ups. X-rays are also performed, as they allow the detection of dental caries. All the information obtained is used to determine the child's needs in terms of prevention and care. Once the teeth have been cared for and protected, regular follow-up is essential, at least twice a year.

Specific care

Personalized care is provided over a number of appointments, in order to establish a child-centred approach.

In addition to our expertise in the various areas of paediatric dentistry (preventive care, restorations, prosthetic rehabilitation and dental surgery in children), the specialist dentist will take the time to explain to the child what he or she is going to do and then what he or she is doing. If the child is to be treated, the dentist will gradually build up the child's confidence by using simple words and will offer ways to distract the child.

During the consultation, you are advised to bring your child's "soft toy", favourite toy or book, favourite music. Our paediatric specialist also asks about fears or bad memories.

The dentist will discuss with you how to help your child without interfering with the treatment: by sitting next to the child, by touching the child's hand, by talking to the child, etc. The dentist will give the child breaks when he or she feels tired or needs to relax the jaws.

The Chêne-Bourg Dental Centre attaches great importance to accompanying and instilling confidence in the child from the moment of arrival in order to guarantee an impeccable quality of care.